Computer and Internet Privacy

Almost anyone who knows how to use a computer is aware that issues exist with hackers and internet security, but nobody thinks it will happen to them.  What most people are not aware of is just how easy it is for other people to gain access to their personal information.  Mat Honan’s story calls our attention to the shortcomings, both of users and of companies, in internet security.

What I found especially concerning is that Amazon and Apple, two of the largest companies, have fallen short of the premiere service that is expected as such successful companies. I was especially surprised to see this from Apple.  Apple is known for it’s cutting edge technology and also for being less vulnerable to viruses.  It seems to me they should have spent more money doing research on how to improve the security of their programs and products.

In a world where everything is becoming more and more reliant on digital technology we must become more concerned with the risks associated. Mr. Honan was correct in his conclusion that it is both his fault and failure of such systems to maintain strong security systems.  It can be annoying to fill out numerous security questions, use different usernames and password for different logins, keep programs up to date, and remember all of this information.  I know I myself have been very lazy in keeping up with program updates and scans.  My former laptop actually almost broke down because of that.  After my mom’s friend worked on it he gave me a page he had written of instructions on what needed to be done and when to best maintain and protect my computer.

This week’s exercise asked us do a reflection on our personal security practices.  After reading Mat Mohan’s story, I honestly do not feel comfortable confessing my bad habits via blog.  There is no way I could be sure that someone else would not use these things as an advantage.  I will say that I went through George Mason’s computer security information and went through the steps on there to improve my computer’s security. Let’s just say after these readings I plan on making several technical and habitual changes.

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